Monthly Archives: February 2012

They’re Not Boys: Safely Taining the Adolescent Female Athlete

This newly published book by Warren J. Potash highlights what every coach should know about training female athletes in a way that fosters enjoyment in sport while avoiding injury.  His nutrition section is based on information obtained from Dr.Garlic is

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Posted in Sports Nutrition

Helping Teens Manage Body Weight

Teens typically struggle for autonomy and are less influenced by their parents than children are.  This means that parents hoping to help their kids lose weight will often be more successful by playing a supportive role, rather than an active

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Posted in Weight Management

Iron Deficiency Without Anemia Affects Athletic Performance

Anemia athletes tire easily as inadequate oxygen is delivered to muscle cells.  This oxygen is needed for aerobic metabolism and endurance activity.  Some athletes do not meet the criteria for anemia (low levels of hemoglobin and hematocrit in the blood),

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